pharoah's royal crowns
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Hedjet |
Deshret |
Pschent |
Nemes |
Khepresh |
The White Crown - Hedjet. The crown of Upper Egypt is a tall white conical headpiece, and was depicted as early as c.3000 BC on the Narmer Palette, a mudstone ceremonial palette belonging to the Early Egyptian ruler Narmer. Picture shows golden statue of Tutankhamun wearing the white crown.
The Red Crown - Deshret. The crown of Lower Egypt is a chair shaped arrangement with a low front and tall back, from which protrudes a coil. The red crown is also depicted on the reverse side of the Narmer Palette. Picture shows a statue of Mentuhotep I (founder of the Middle Kingdom) discovered in a chamber beneath his temple tomb.
The Double Crown - Pschent. With the unification of Upper and Lower Egypt, the red crown and the white crown were combined to become the double crown, known as the "Two Mighty Ones". Picture shows the god Horus wearing the double crown, a detail from the wall paintings in the tomb of Horemheb.
The Nemes Crown. More of a head-dress than a crown, probably most famously depicted on the gold mask of Tutankhamun. A piece of striped cloth was pulled tight across the forehead, tied into a kind of tail at the back whilst two strands hung down each side of the face. The brow was decorated with the uraeus Wadjet and the vulture Nekhbet. A plain version of this head-dress was known as a "khat". Statue shows Pepi I wearing the Nemes head-dress.
The Blue Crown - Khepresh. From the 18th Dynasty onwards, kings were often shown wearing the blue crown, often described as the "war crown". A tall flanged helmet, adorned with golden discs, with the uraeus and vulture on the brow. Picture shows Ramesses the Great wearing the blue crown of war.