Thomas Young's letter

10th February 1818 regarding the state of decipherment of Egyptian hieroglyphs
Thomas Young's letter, written on 10th Feb 1818

Thomas Young wrote this letter to the father of William John Bankes (1786-1855), the English traveller and antiquary, in 1818. Bankes was travelling in Egypt at that time and Young was hoping that he would be "able to assist in promoting the investigation of the hieroglyphical antiquities of that singular country".

In his letter, Young expresses the hope that lost fragments of the Rosetta Stone might be discovered (which never happened), and that a duplicate of the Stone's text might be recovered in Cairo. He also encourages Bankes to concentrate on copying the most relevant inscriptions for decipherment - those giving the names of kings and gods - and indicates where these are to be found in relation to carved reliefs.

At the bottom of the letter Young copied out the hieroglyphic words he had deciphered by this date. The meanings he gives are mostly correct, but, unlike Jean François Champollion, he wasn't able to understand the way in which the script worked.


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