site index


  INTRODUCTION An introduction to the land of Ancient Egypt, its symbols, crowns and patrons.
  LIFE IN EGYPT A general overview of daily life in Ancient Egypt, including trades and occupations, leisure activities, hunting, fishing and medicine and dress.
  CHRONOLOGY An overview of the standard accepted chronology of Ancient Egypt, with specific detailed pages on the different kingdoms and periods in Egypt's history. Find out about the importance of sothic dating in establishing the current chronology.
  HISTORY The history of Egyptology, how it all began with Napoleon's military expedition, and developed into the discipline that we know today.  
  PHARAOHS Interesting information on well known and popular pharaohs of Ancient Egypt, including Ramesses the Great and Tutankhamun. Find out more about Pharaoh's Royal Names, and the importance of the name in Ancient Egypt. Discover the amazingly lifelike mummies from the Royal Cache.
  COURSES Information and course syllabuses of the distance learning courses that we currently offer in Egyptology and related studies.  
  DAVID ROBERTS Interesting snippets on the famous Scottish Victorian artist whose distinct and beautiful sketches of the monuments of Ancient Egypt and the Holy Land are recognised worldwide.  
  MONUMENTS List of some of the main pharaonic monuments of Ancient Egypt, complete with maps and information on the main sites and areas.  
  PYRAMIDS A comprehensive list and photographs of the main pyramid complexes and their royal builders from the Old Kingdom through to the Nubian pyramids of late antiquity.
  HIEROGLYPHS Interesting and informative background information about fascinating Egyptian hieroglyphs, including our basic 1-Consonant hieroglyph de-coder.
  EGYPTOLOGISTS Some of the most famous Egyptologists who’ve made history with their fantastic discoveries, and years of hard work. Find out about many of their great discoveries, who discovered what, when and where.
  EGYPTIAN GODS AND RELIGION Details and pictures of some of the more well known and popular Ancient Egyptian Gods, Goddesses and deities, and includes various sections on the complex afterlife in Ancient Egypt, and the processes of mummification. You can also find out about the religious significance of the great Egyptian temples here.
  COPTIC EGYPT Interesting section on the Coptic Christians of Egypt, including the isolated ancient desert monasteries, and a fascinating trip down into Old Cairo, the old Christian quarter of the city. 
  ARTICLES Comprehensive and academic articles on a variety of Ancient Egyptian topics.
  READING AND BOOKS Recommended reading lists on a range of books. You can order all your books online with us using
  CONTACT US Find out the best ways to get in touch with us, and how we can answer your queries. Find out how to send us your articles for publication on this site.


  EARLY DYNASTIC EGYPT The dawn of Ancient Egyptian civilisation, and the unification of the land.
  THE OLD KINGDOM The "pyramid age". Dates, rulers and their fantastic funerary monuments.
  THE MIDDLE KINGDOM Dates, rulers and their funerary monuments.
  THE NEW KINGDOM The "golden age" of Ancient Egypt, spanning half a millennium of Egyptian history. Dates, rulers, their great achievements and their funerary monuments.
  THE INTERMEDIATE PERIODS Three periods of chaos and disruption which fall between the kingdoms are known as the Intermediate Periods, the first, second and third respectively. Dark, difficult and confusing times which can hard for scholars to interpret due to a lack of information and written records.
  THE LATE PERIOD The might of the Persian Empire overwhelms Egypt.
  THE PTOLEMAIC PERIOD The Greek rule of the Ptolemies ended with the reign of the infamous Cleopatra, when Egypt finally became a province of the Roman Empire.


  Map of Cairo Map of the main city of Cairo, the “Mother of the World”. Cairo is Africa’s largest city.  
  Map of Giza Map of the Giza Plateau necropolis, most famous for the Great Pyramids.  
  Map of Saqqara Map of the Saqqara necropolis, home to Egypt’s very first pyramid, the Step Pyramid of Djoser.  
  Map of Luxor Map of modern Luxor, the east bank of the Nile, with pharaonic monuments.  
  Map of Thebes Map of the west bank of the Nile at Luxor, the necropolis of Thebes, most famous for the Valley of the Kings.  
  Map of Aswan Map of the small modern town of Aswan with monuments and the important Nile islands.  
  MAP OF ALEXANDRIA Map of the modern city of Alexandria.


  Giza Probably the most famous of all the burial sites in Egypt, and home to the Great Pyramids, the only surviving wonder of the ancient world, Giza also has several other tombs and mastabas, as well as mortuary temples and the famous Great Sphinx.  
  SAQQARA Not far from Giza, the necropolis of Saqqara was one of the most widely used and important in ancient times. The most famous monument is undoubtedly the Step Pyramid complex of Djoser, which was the first ever pyramid, build by the genius architect Imhotep. Saqqara is also the burial place of the famous Apis bulls, and has several other mastabas and pyramid complexes.  
  THEBES On the site of modern Luxor, Thebes was an important administrative centre and home to the infamous Valley of the Kings, the site of Tutankhamun’s tomb. Thebes also has the mortuary temples of Deir el-Bahri, the Valley of the Queens, Medinat Habu, and the Colossi of Menmon. It was also the site of the discovery of the Royal Cache.  
  TANIS Situated up in the Nile Delta, and probably not quite so well known as other sites, nevertheless Tanis was still an important necropolis of Ancient Egypt. Used primarily during the Third Intermediate Period, Tanis has wielded significant treasures from burials in tombs discovered on the eve of the second world war.  


  MEMPHIS For thousands of years, Memphis, near modern Cairo, was the Capital of Ancient Egypt, yet amazingly today, very little of it actually remains visible to the visitor.  
  ALEXANDRIA Mediterranean city founded by Alexander the Great, the first "pharaoh" of the Macedonian (Ptolemaic) Period. Alexandria took over from Memphis as the capital of Ptolemaic Egypt.  
  TELL EL-AMARNA Capital city founded by Akhenaten, the so called "heretic pharaoh" which was abandoned after his death. Includes an interesting section on the art of the Amarna Period.